Saturday 26 October 2013

The Difference of Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Language Learning

Carla Chamberlin – Quinlisk on their article “Cooperative Learning as the Method and Model in Second Language Teacher Education” give the relationships between Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Language Learning in the following table:[1]
Cooperative Learning
Collaborative Language Learning

Clearly perceived positive interdependence.

Requires an understanding of how second language teaching and content area (disciplines) are intertwined; involves ability to transcend isolation and territoriality

Considerable face-to face interaction

Requires consistent and frequent meetings in which teachers have opportunity to talk about teaching in a reflective way, provide each other with feedback, develops trust, motivation, and decision-making skills.

Clearly perceived individual accountability and personal responsibility to achieve the group’s goals.

Participating teachers must be accountable to each other and in doing so they move forward in their own professional development.

Frequent use of the relevant interpersonal and small-group skills

Effective communication is at the heart of collaborative teaching. Participants must understand communication styles (verbal and nonverbal), trust building, conflict resolution, and negotiation of meaning

Frequent and regular group processing of current functioning to improve the group’s future effectiveness

Requires consistent reflection on the process of collaboration, collegial relationships, challenges/ strengths, and effect on student learning

[1] Carla Chamberlin., Cooperative Learning as the Method and Model in Second Language Teacher Education, Journal of State University of Pennsylvania,4, 2008.

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