Thursday 24 October 2013

Narrative Text (the story of prophets) and reading comprehension's exercises

Prophet Adam
Allah made the mountains and the seas. He made all the animals. He made the heavens and the stars. He made the sun and the moon and He made the angels.The angels were like Allah's servants and did everything He ordered.
Then Allah decided to make a man.  He called this first man Adam.
He taught him many things
so that Adam had more knowledge
than the angels.
There was one Jinn,  called Iblis and he thought  he was better than Adam  so Allah would not let him stay with the other angels.
He was to be called 'Shaytan', the Devil. Shaytan blamed Adam for what had  happened to him and was very angry. Allah let Adam live in  a beautiful place because  he was good. The place was  called Paradise.
It was a very nice place but  Adam was a little lonely,  on his own all of the time.  Allah decided to help Adam. He made Hawa to be Adam's wife. They were happy and  liked living in Paradise. There was, however,  one thing they were not allowed to do. There was a special tree and Allah had told them they must not eat any fruit from that tree.
At first Adam and Hawa were very good and kept away from the tree. Shaytan decided to do something very naughty. He told them they were silly to keep away from the tree. He said nothing would happen if they ate its fruit. He said the fruit was delicious and they should try it.
After a while they began to listen to Shaytan and thought they would have just a little taste of the fruit, just to see what it was like.
Shaytan was very happy because he had made them disobey Allah. As soon as they had eaten the fruit, Adam and Hawa realised that they had been
very naughty and they felt guilty for what they had done.
Allah forgave them But He wouldn't let them stay in Paradise any more So He sent them to live on earth.

1.     Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
2.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
3.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Nuh
After many years Adam had grandchildren and even  great grandchildren. There were now lots of people on earth. Many of them obeyed Allah but some were not so good and did just what they wanted to do all the time. This made Allah very unhappy.
Allah chose Nuh, a good man, to tell the people that what they were doing was wrong. But they wouldn't listen to him and carried on doing bad things.Allah decided that all the naughty people should be punished. 
He told Nuh to build a big ark near his house.
Nuh quickly got busy choosing good wood and building it up into a fine ark. A lot of people laughed at him but he did not take any notice of them, because Allah had told him what to do. When he had finished, he put lots of food into the ark and collected the good people together. 
They also took lots of animals with theminto the ark, two of every kind.
One day, all of a sudden, the sky went very dark and it started to rain. Lightly at first, then more and more heavily. Soon there was water everywhere. The bad people were not laughing any more.
They  were frightened because they had no shelter from the water. Only the good people in the ark were safe and dry.

4.    Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
5.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
6.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Salih
The people of Thamud lived in a valley called al-Hajr in the north of Arabia. It was a good land so everything grew very easily. Cattle and sheep grazed on the land. Everyone had plenty of everything.
When people have a lot they sometimes forget who provides everything, they sometimes forget Allah. When this happens Allah sends a messenger 
or a prophet to try to help the people.
To the people of Thamud, Allah sent Salih. Salih told the people to remember Allah but a lot of people just laughed at him and would not listen.
He did not give up. He still tried to persuade them to worship Allah 
and soon people began to listen.They realised Salih was right. The leaders of Thamud were upset by this.
They did not want people to listen to Salih. They did not believe Salih was sent by Allah. They wanted him to prove it, they wanted a sign. They told Salih to bring them a camel but it had to be a special camel.
Salih prayed to Allah and Allah sent the special camel. The camel gave lots and lots of milk so all the poor people had enough to drink, and they were very happy.The leaders of Thamud became angry again to see Salih and his followers so happy. They decided to kill the camel. Salih told them that Allah 
would punish them.
Salih took all the good people away from the valley. A terrible earthquake came and destroyed the valley and all the bad people. If they had listened to Salih they would have been saved.

1.     Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
2.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
3.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Hud
A long time ago, a great tribe lived in the South of Arabia. They were called Ad. They were very clever and could do many things. They used the mountains for their homes. They carved out great mansions with wonderful pillars.
They called their city Iram. It was very famous. As time went on, the people of Ad thought more about themselves and less about Allah. They thought they didn't need Allah, because they had lots of money and power.
They thought they were being clever but really they were foolish. Before long they turned to bad ways. Gangs of them used to rob and kill people travelling by.
There was still one good man among them. His name was Hud. He did not belong to any of the gangs. He did not agree with the things they did. 
He tried to tell them to stop their bad ways and told them to follow Allah's ways.
Hud said Allah would punish the bad ones but most of the people still would not listen. They thought they were more clever than the messenger of Allah.
Allah told Hud to take all the good people into a big cave near the city. The very next day a terrible tornado came and only the good ones, the ones who had listened, were saved.

1.     Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
2.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
3.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Yunus
The prophet Yunus  was sent to Ninevah.  He became known as the  Lord of the Fish (Dhan-Nun).  He warned the people about  their evil ways and told them  to follow Allah but they  would not listen.
Yunus was so angry he left.  He sailed away but the ship  was so full and heavy,  poor Yunus  was thrown overboard.
He was  swallowed by an  enormous fish and he  lived in its belly  for three days.  Then the fish spewed  him out on a shore.  He was very ill but  Allah was protecting him.
A plant grew  and its leaves protected  Yunus from the sun and
kept the flies away.  A wild goat provided him  with milk. When he became  better he went back to  Ninevah and gave the  people Allah's message  once more. This time  the people listened  and Allah forgave them.

1.     Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
2.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
3.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Lut
Prophet Lut and his family lived among very evil and disobedient people. These people did many things which Allah had forbidden. So Allah commanded Lut to tell them: You must stop doing evil and believe in Allah. Allah has sent me to warn you of a terrible punishment that is going to befall you if you do not obey Him.

But people refused to listen to Lut. They even laughed at him because he would not join them in doing evil deeds.
One day, some visitors came to Lut. The evil people wanted to capture his visitors and harm them. Lut was very afraid that he would not be able to protect his guests. But to Lut's surprise and relief, the visitors said: You need not be frightened. Those evil-doers cannot harm us. For we are messengers of Allah. We have come from Allah to tell you to take your family and leave this town at night. None of you should try to turn and look back or stay behind. Only those who go without looking back will be saved.
Lut knew at once that the visitors were indeed Allah's angels. They had come so that Lut and his family could escape and be safe, for Allah was going to punish the evil-doers of that town. Lut and his family, however, had believed in Allah and prayed to Him. Therefore they were to be saved.
At once, Lut and his family got ready and left their house at night when it was dark, so that the evil people would not see them. But then, just as they were leaving, Lut's wife turned back and stayed behind. She refused to believe in Allah and was also disobedient. So she was not saved from punishment and death when Allah sent down a rain of fire and stones. All the houses in the town were destroyed and the disobedient people perished in the rain of fire and stones.

Only Lut and the rest of his family were rescued, and they praised and thanked Allah for having saved them.

1.     Make 3 questions and answers from this text!
2.    Decide the settings (Place, time, and characters) that involved in the story
3.    Retell this story in front of the classroom with good expression, (choose one student as the leader to read it)

Prophet Shu'ayb
The Prophet Shu'ayb  was a descendent  of the Prophet Ibrahim. 
He was sent to Midian and the  Dwellers of the wood to give  them Allah's message.
The Midianite people  committed many sins.They gave short measures 
and weights,  they robbed people and  caused mischief but most 
seriously they tried to stop  people from  worshipping Allah.
Shu'ayb tried to make  them change but they  would not listen to him.  They wanted to throw  him out and all the  people who had 
listened to his words.
Then Allah sent an  earthquake and all  the evil people were  destroyed because they  would not obey the word of Allah.
Adam had two sons called Habil and Qabil. Adam thought that Habil, the younger son, should take over after him. But Qabil didn't like this idea and was very jealous.
To settle the argument Adam thought of an idea. He told his sons to think of a present to give to Allah and to leave it on top of a certain hill.
The one whose present Allah accepted, would win the argument.Allah chose Habil's present because Habil had taken a lot of time and trouble to choose his present.
Qabil was very upset and angry. He was so angry that he killed his own brother. Afterwards, when he realised what he had done, he cried and cried but it was too late to be sorry.
Prophet Ayyub
The Prophet Ayyub had been a wealthy man.He was a very good  man but he lost his family  and his wealth.He became ill and had terrible
sores all over his body.  However he never gave up.  He spent his time praying.  He was very patient and  always kept his faith in Allah.
Eventually Allah showed mercy.
 He told Ayyub to strike the earth  with his foot and miraculously  a fountain appeared.He drank the water and used  it to wash his body.  All his sores were healed  and everything was returned  to him as before.

Allah had rewarded him for  keeping his faith despite the  terrible afflictions he  had tested him with.


Unknown said...

thank you so much, kumpulan ceritanya sangat bermanfaat. saya izin copy paste ya

Unknown said...

I say many thanks for these narrative text, it's very useful for me. I hope your permition for copy and share

Unknown said...

I love the story very much.

Unknown said...

Great ..ijin copast


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